Kanga business
Earning statistic graph is hard to read. With long pressing it's
hard to read the numbers as my finger is covering them. Can we make
it a click instead?
When adding a booking manually you have to enter the customer name.
If it's a customer you already have saved can we have it so it pops
up as a suggestion to fill in with their other information? Also
something to think about is being able to save a customer if you are
adding them and they are not already in your custom list. Adding a
service it's telling you to type in the name but it should pull from
the services you have added already. In this build you are also not
able to select a staff.
The bookings button is not able to switch from “Day" “Week" and
When clicking on a service it should take you to the details but
right now it's popping up an edit and delete button first. We don't
need the edit button and just the delete button once long pressed.
When adding a service the additional question is a requirement to
finish but that should always be optional.
Adding a time slot manually isn't working. It disappears and goes
back to auto.
The time selection, calendar, and elements of our calendar on the
booking page has a purple color. Are we able to change that so it
matches the colors of the platform?
On the booking tiles the 3 dots are not clickable to bring up
canceling, rescheduling, and request payment.
- The message button doesn't work on the booking tiles.
Back button navigation is causing the app to completely close
instead of just going back.
- Notifications are not live in this build.
- Messaging wasn't live either.
The booking tiles were not live and just showing the same service
Profile pictures and website URL shouldn't be requirements to set up
Some touch points still need tweaking as they require multiple taps
before being recognized.
Vacation mode is active but the toggle button is showing that its
At the bottom of the screen where the nav bar is there is a black
bar in this current build. Can we have it be white so it looks like
the app fills the entire screen instead of being cut off? In the
other test build it was all white.
When clicking on the owner profile it takes awhile for the profile
image to load. Not a big deal but thought I would mention it.
When choosing a country is it possible to have the US show up first?
When choosing a state they are out of order. They should be in
alphabetical order but for example Iowa is showing up almost at the
very end of the list.
Can we remove the image size recommendation for uploading an image.